Hello readers!

The past few days have been truly challenging. Pressures are coming from all directions, summoning my phantoms. I have started losing confidence and morale. It was coupled with the pressures I get from my job; my new role is demanding so much more than I expected. No worries though as I am earnestly trying my best to find the perfect equilibrium.

Just when everything start to look bleak, life throws us its own pleasant surprises that, even in small ways, help perk us up. Beyond the tediousness of the past week, I unlocked a couple of achievements in my blog. The biggest of these blogging achievements is gaining my 1,000th blog follower! And I received the below certification from WordPress to mark this accomplishment.

It took some time but I finally managed to unlock this feat. It took over four years to reach 500 but it took less than a year to double the number. This latest achievement is all because of you guys, my dear readers, my dear followers. Your continued support and patronage keep on inspiring me to be a better writer, blogger, and version of myself. Thank you. No superlative is enough to describe the elation I am feeling right now.

I do have a lot of things to say (you all know how loquacious I can get) but no lengthy post can fully express my gratitude to all of you. I never thought I would ever hit this mark. This blog started from a spark of inspiration over five years ago and wow, has it grown over the years. As it continues to grow, I hope you will still be part of the journey; I still have a lot of posts I am planning to complete and publish.

Every day, I will aspire to be a better version of myself. Again, to everyone who has been part of this blogging journey, my heartiest thank you to all of you. You were all instrumental in making this blog prosper. Have a blessed weekend everyone!

And if in case you haven’t heard it this week, you are doing well.